On Indigenous Art

Lectures and presentations.

Uravu Eco Links and FOA-FLUX started the Wayanad Art Cloud in early 2019. The initiative is focusing on regional art in Wayanad, Kerala. The role and challenges of indigenous art are discussed and compared with other initiatives in a series of Art & Society Talks.

TALK #1 (indigenous art)
NOV 2019, 5-7 pm, @ FOA-FLUX, CH–Zurich


The first Art & Society Talk on indigenous art focuses on the Adivasi Art in Wayanad.

Presented and discussed are works on rituals and village life by Adivasi Artist Ramesh M.R., Wayanad (present via video-conferencing).

The contextual information is given by Sivaraj Thekkayil, a social activist, managing director Uravu Eco Links, and Trustee Uravu.


Annemarie Bucher, art and landscape historian, co-founder FOA-FLUX, foa-flux.net.
Deepa K.P
., artist based in Wayanad (present via video-conferencing).
Corinne Karlaganis
, social scientist, manager Uravu Eco Links.
Dominique Lämmli
,  artist, philosopher, co-founder FOA-FLUX, foa-flux.net, dominiquelaemmli.ch.
Eliana Perotti, Zurich.
Ramesh M.R. is based in Wayanad (present via video-conferencing).
Christoph Reimann, IT administrator, Konstanz.
Sadanandan E.C., artist (present via video-conferencing).
Tatjana Thimm, professor of tourism management at Constance University of Applied Sciences. http://www-home.htwg-konstanz.de/~tthimm/news.htm